Filbert Meadows Park – Hyacinth St. and Naismith Blvd.

Filbert Meadows is another North Eugene area park, kind of in between Arrowhead park and Awbrey park.  I has a nice neighborhood feel that reminds me of Brewer park; drive up street parking, lots of plants and trees, and beautiful tiles speckled throughout the pathways.  Here is the map link.

Accessible parking, beautiful fence and foliage


Lots of neighbors walking through with their dogs, so I’m glad there’s a little dog baggie station 🙂


The tile mosaics in Filbert Meadows are a fun little “seek and find” game.  We had fun running around to find them all.  They aren’t really hidden, per se, but it’s a nice little diversion just the same. Here’s one!


On the right side is the sandy play area. I like the big rocks, they remind me of a Japanese Rock Garden, and my son really liked climbing them.

20150924_120742There are a few bike racks back there and trashes around the park, but no bathrooms.

And on the left is our play structure over the bark chips.


See Saw


A car to play on and 3 spinny things!


The swing set up is two kid swings and one baby swing, which I’ve mentioned before is not my favorite (when we go to parks with friends it’s nice for two little kiddos to swing at the same time; nice for the kiddos and the moms!)


For the most part I like the play structure. There are a lot different choices for climbing and swinging.

What I don’t like, and is a common problem with play structures, is that the two main areas on the play structure are separated by the red climbing web. IMG_0838

My little one can’t cross that or climb the verticle climbing wall, and thus can’t get to some of the fun parts of this structure. So, I have to awkwardly help him up there just so he can spin the little wheel, which is generally something for a toddler.

On a lighter note, this is the first park I’ve been to where the speakers worked (the ones where you can talk to each other from across the play structure), so that was neat. It also has a little ledge below for playing restaurant or store.


Hey, look at that! There’s a little filbert! AKA hazelnut.  Filbert Meadows actually has a little old filbert orchard full of beautiful filbert trees. Did you know that Oregon produces 99% of the U.S. hazelnut crop?20150924_12213320150924_120623

There are some picnic tables speckled in there. Oh, it looks like such a nice place for a picnic.  There are also some nice shady picnic tables near the basketball field.

And the water fountains there too.

That brings us to the field area, which is very pretty and has some paths to explore.  There’s also a large hill to climb.

IMG_0881IMG_085720150924_12112420150924_120834We like this park.  I love the unique features like the filbert trees, the meadow, the big rocks in the sand, and the tiles.  Try it out some time soon as the weather starts getting nicer.

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